Consultations & Classes:
*Bring your spouse and reap the benefits of a team approach, when appropriate.
**Offer group nutrition education classes to the public.

“Give your body the nutrients it needs and reap the benefits of a healthier you.”
A healthy body protects against the negative effects of stress, including acute as well as chronic disease. A healthy body promotes healthier outcomes and increases longevity.
Chronic disease is prevalent in our culture today, leading many people to think this is the norm. It doesn’t have to be the case. Research shows how poor nutrition contributes to the development of many leading chronic diseases currently present in our society such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, and gout.
By taking small, delicious, bite size steps, you can make dietary changes that benefit you from the inside out. Some of the benefits you can anticipate include, reduction of chronic disease, achieve and maintain a healthy weight, optimize your immune system, develop and maintain radiant skin and hair. Go ahead take the leap towards greater health and vitality, and experience the benefits personally.
- Consume a “clean” diet & reap the benefits
- Increase energy & vitality
- Achieve and Maintain optimal weight long term
- Improve your endurance
- Regulate your metabolism
- Build a strong immune system
- Enjoy an enhanced sense of wellness
- Reduce risk of disease and adopt a pattern of eating that supports your overall health
- Regulate your blood sugar throughout the day
- Prevent or diminish impact of disease outcomes
- Promote a healthy digestive system; YOU & your microbiome are in this together!
- Save money in the long run towards healthy outcomes and dramatically reduce the burden of our already strained healthcare system.
- Learn the value of consuming nutrient-dense foods
- Prepare nutrient dense meals in less than an hour
- Plan meals that are nutritious and cost effective
- Make nutritious snacks on the go
- Redesign & detox your kitchen to support your process
- Layout a functional kitchen that promotes ease of food preparation, use of spices, cooking, storage etc.
- Learn how to understand nutrition labels easily and effectively and navigate the grocery store with ease
- Understand Organic versus Non-Organic foods & GMO foods
- Learn healthy Recipes, Resources, Cooking tips & techniques

We meet you where you are at, on your personal health journey and move forward from there, at your own pace. We employ compassionate, focused listening and evaluation techniques. Together, we identify your strengths and your challenges. Collectively we recommend nutritional and lifestyle options, aimed at improving or resolving your unique challenges.
incredibly useful skill as you move forward in your life. Change takes time and meaningful change employs functional tools and skills that support you on your growth.
By identifying obstacles, we can develop goals. Goals that are grounded in science and rooted in nature that are evidence based. Your goals will include value through education and discussions as to why you are making these changes. Goals will be reviewed and evaluated frequently to ensure that they are supporting your process. Your plan might include: dietary and life style modifications, supplements, an exercise plan with goals, a myriad of new recipes targeted to your personal health needs, education about what foods support brain health and reduces cravings, shopping skills, cooking classes and even redesigning your kitchen to make food prep practical and easier for you to achieve healthier results.
We will gently shepherd and motivate you to maintain your healthier lifestyle changes by re-evaluating your progress, help you to overcome stumbling blocks, and by being a constant resource for new recipes, resources and support as to why you are on your personal health journey.
Behavioral modification techniques will be employed to aid in your success.
Prioritize You into your day! Give your health the value it deserves.
In a Nutshell.
Appointments and classes are designed to provide an understanding of the health benefits associated with nutrient dense foods versus those that are calorie dense. Learn of the wealth that nutritious foods offer the body, and how they support a strong immune system.
Become skilled at incorporating a variety of nutritious foods into your daily diet, and how to distinguish between nutrient dense foods and those ladened with empty calories. Research shows that all calories are NOT the same!
Become an advocate for your health. I am a believer that knowledge is power! Make one small meaningful change a week, or a month. Go at your own pace!
Ask those nutritionally based health questions, and get answers on how to best support yours and your family’s health.
Learn how to read labels, interpret marketing information, shop for the most nutritious choices, discuss food related issues surrounding disease, and how to make meaningful, measurable changes that promote healthy outcomes. You can achieve your nutritional health goals even with the day to day challenges of living in a fast paced society.